Monday, December 30, 2019

Nathan H. Hurt Honorary Membership in ASME

Nathan H. Hurt Honorary Membership in ASME Nathan H. Hurt Honorary Membership in ASME Nathan H. Hurt Honorary Membership in ASMENathan Hurt grew up during the age when teenagers were modifying cars into hot rods, and he was right there among them. That hands-on experience modifying engines and carburetors, shaving heads down, and changing muffler and spring support systems got him interested in doing mora mechanical work. After initially working toward becoming a journeyman machinist, Hurt enlisted in the Navy, where his mechanical background was put to use in the back engine room of a destroyer.He earned his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering after leaving the Navy, and a job offer from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. ledHurt on a 64-year career path devoted to managing the design, construction, and operation of chemical and nuclear facilities. Forty-seven of those years have been dedicated to the nuclear field.He is recognized by ASME with Honorary Membership for significa nt contributions in the nuclear industry, particularly the field of uranium enrichment, and in the broader mechanical engineering profession as an active member and distinguished past president of ASME.Hurt began his career at Goodyear in 1947. During his 40 years with the company, he was involved in the construction and operation of plants for the production of polyvinyls, polyesters, rubber chemicals, and synthetic rubber. He held several engineering and plant management positions, and served as program director for the design, construction, and training of operating management for a synthetic rubber plant in Brazil for Petrobras, the Brazilian government-owned petroleum company. He also was assigned to programs in France and Luxembourg.When Goodyear formed a subsidiary, Goodyear Atomic Corp., to fulfill a contract with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for the operation of a new uranium enrichment facility,Hurt was manager of engineering during the facility design and constructio n. Later he was deputy general manager and, subsequently, Goodyear Atomics president and general manager.After retiring from Goodyear in 1987, Hurt joined the Denver office of Los Alamos Technical Associates as director of marketing and projects. His responsibilities included managing an office in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and projects at several other U.S. Department of Energy nuclear sites. He later joined IDM Environmental Corp.s Oak Ridge office as vice president, Southeast region, and was responsible for the decontamination and demolition of facility projects at several DOE sites.Now a senior consultant, Hurt currently provides consulting services on uranium enrichment and radioactive cleanup to companies with DOE contracts. he also co-authored the chapter on uranium enrichment that was published in the Nuclear Engineering Handbook edited by Kenneth D. Kok (CRC Press, 2009).An ASME Fellow, Hurt has been a member of ASME since 1946. Initially a member of a Student Section, he went on to serve as chair of the Management teilen (1981), vice president of the General Engineering Group (1984-88), member of the Board of Governors (1988-90), and ASME president (1991-92). During his year of presidency, he promoted the awareness of contributions of engineers to society and stressed the importance of precollege preparation for entering the profession. Hurt continues to serve on the Committee of Past Presidents as well as the Committee on Organization and Rules and the Energy Committee. He received a Dedicated Service Award in 1994.He also is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and a member of the American Nuclear Society and the American Society for Engineering Management. Hurt earned his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1947.After initially working toward becoming a journeyman machinist, Hurt enlisted in the Navy, where his mechanical background was put to use in the back engine room of a destroyer.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How Introverts can Adapt to an Extroverted Workplace

How Introverts can Adapt to an Extroverted Workplace How Introverts can Adapt to an Extroverted Workplace Even when the economy is great it can be difficult to be picky about which jobs you do or dont accept, but one of the primary means of gaining career success is to find a job that best fits your personality. By definition, introverts prefer work that allows them to operate autonomously and in a calm setting. And while teamwork crops up in just about any job, introverts tend to work better when each member has clearly defined roles without the need for consensus building and mass brainstorming.A necessary strategy for introverts is the need to discover the aspects of a company that are most agreeable to the personality traits of the loner. No, you may not have the opportunity to sequester yourself from your coworkers or telecommute, but you can work to find ways to keep your energy going while keeping your performance up. Structure your day around periodic breaks where you can step away from the overstimulation of the office floor. Step outside for a few minutes, sit in the bathroom, or take your lunch break alone and away from your cubicle.While the everyday tasks and interactions inherent in your job contribute significantly to your daily energy drain, the after-hour social obligations may be some of the most trying situations for introverts. Of course it is important to be polite, maintain your network, and be friendly with your colleagues becoming over-committed with social activities can lead to feelings of unhappiness and being overwhelmed. Keep your goals for social events reasonable as well. You dont need to shake everyones hand, ask everyone about their kids, or show your face in every social circle. Just pick a spot with people youre most comfortable with and have a good time in a small group.Finally, remember that being an introvert means that you have access to valuable leadership and work traits. Introverts are often found to be persistent, f ocused, and driven to excel. Introversion is also often associated with heightened creativity and critical thinking skills. Dont be shy about your abilities. Use them to your advantage, embrace who you are, and dont be afraid to succeed on your own terms.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Boost your Company Brand with a Brandful Workforce

Boost your Company Brand with a Brandful WorkforceBoost your Company Brand with a Brandful WorkforceBoost your Company Brand with a Brandful Workforce Gometz, author of The Brandful Workforce How Employees Can Make, Not Break Your BrandEvery employee matters, especially when running a small geschftliches miteinander. A single employee could be responsible for bringing enormous success to your geschftlicher umgang. Or one employee could bring you down.Why not motivate your employees to work FOR your company brand, rather than against it, by cultivating a brandful workforce?How It All BeganThe brandful workforce approach welches developed as a practical guide to help business leaders better engage employees with the products and services they help deliver every day. It was informed through my own career journey, working for both small and large organizations, private, public and non-profit.Most recently, I was in charge of employee engagementat JetBlue Airways. My colleagues at other c ompanies used to ask me How do you get your employees to be such fantastic brand ambassadors?It wasnt something that JetBlue purposefully set out to do. It was the result of a successful business. Yet there wasnt a recipe that others could easily follow. So I took it upon myself to figure it outLets look at how you can create brandful employees for your business and your company branding.Building a Brandful WorkforceStart with your product or service. After all, who will want to promote something that they dont personally believe in?One common mistake small business owners make with employees is not defining and communicating the consistent delivery of the business. What does it look like? If you dont know, then how will your employees?Help them understand the details of your business, your company brandand especially your customer promise.When your employees understand your business, your customer promise and their role in how to deliver it, they can get to work promoting your bran d. In fact, they may even exceed your expectationsCreate Brandful Communication ChannelsThe next step in creating employee brand ambassadors is giving them the means to go out and promote your brand. I call these brandful channels.These include tools and resources such as social media, swag, celebratory events, and community volunteer efforts that spread awareness of your business.Remember not everyone is going to want to engage in social media, so its helpful to offer your staff some other branding options.For example, you may have an employee who enjoys the backstage planning of an event. Or another employee may be athletic and can represent your business in a marathon.The brandful channels approach provides opportunities for everyone to participate in amplifying your brand in a genuine and authentic way.Recruit to Build your Company BrandingSome small businesses find it hard to compete for talent with larger organizations. Yet there are a few areas where you can favorably recruit top talent by accentuating your unique brandOffer a jack-of-all-trades employee experience. Employees can learn and be involved in many aspects of the business, rather than be narrowly focused on a specified role within a larger organization.Provide a family feel and local culture as opposed to a larger, bureaucratic environment.Give employees the opportunity to make a direct and meaningful impact on business successKeep in mind that brandful candidates care less about salary (as long as its within a reasonable range) than the quality or purpose of the job.If salary negotiationbecomes difficult during the recruiting process, the candidate may not be the right fit for your business.herbeies a quick checklist to help determine if your job candidate is brandful-mindedDo they love or use your products or services?Do they know how to talk about your products or services?Do they have fresh ideas about how to expand or improve your business?Do they act like owners, or are they simply look ing for a paycheck?Do they give you honest - and helpful - feedback?If you answered yes to most of these questions, youre well on your way to building a brandful workforce of your ownAuthor BioJulia Gometz is the founder of The Brandful Workforce, a company that advises organizations on how to build a workforce that can work for the brand, rather than against it. Her book, The Brandful Workforce How Employees Can Make, Not Break Your Brand, introduces the first roadmap for organizations on how to create and sustain the brand internally. It also inspires individuals to be part of an organization whose products or services truly match their passions.Gometz is a global thought leader and practitioner in people strategy with a focus on how employees best contribute to bottom-line business results.Prior to her current venture, Julia successfully built and led three critical People functions at JetBlue Airways over her eight year tenure Employee Relations, People Analytics and Employee Engagement. An expert in making people the top competitive advantage for any organization, she has collaborated with colleagues at Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, as well as public and nonprofit organizations.Boost your Company Brand with a Brandful WorkforceBoost your Company Brand with a Brandful Workforce Gometz, author of The Brandful Workforce How Employees Can Make, Not Break Your BrandEvery employee matters, especially when running a small business. A single employee could be responsible for bringing enormous success to your business. Or one employee could bring you down.Why not motivate your employees to work FOR your company brand, rather than against it, by cultivating a brandful workforce?How It All BeganThe brandful workforce approach was developed as a practical guide to help business leaders better engage employees with the products and services they help deliver every day. It was informed through my own career journey, working for both small and large organizat ions, private, public and non-profit.Most recently, I was in charge of employee engagementat JetBlue Airways. My colleagues at other companies used to ask me How do you get your employees to be such fantastic brand ambassadors?It wasnt something that JetBlue purposefully set out to do. It was the result of a successful business. Yet there wasnt a recipe that others could easily follow. So I took it upon myself to figure it outLets look at how you can create brandful employees for your business and your company branding.Building a Brandful WorkforceStart with your product or service. After all, who will want to promote something that they dont personally believe in? One common mistake small business owners make with employees is not defining and communicating the consistent delivery of the business. What does it look like? If you dont know, then how will your employees?Help them understand the details of your business, your company brandand especially your customer promise.When your employees understand your business, your customer promise and their role in how to deliver it, they can get to work promoting your brand. In fact, they may even exceed your expectationsCreate Brandful Communication Channels The next step in creating employee brand ambassadors is giving them the means to go out and promote your brand. I call these brandful channels.These include tools and resources such as social media, swag, celebratory events, and community volunteer efforts that spread awareness of your business.Remember not everyone is going to want to engage in social media, so its helpful to offer your staff some other branding options.For example, you may have an employee who enjoys the backstage planning of an event. Or another employee may be athletic and can represent your business in a marathon.The brandful channels approach provides opportunities for everyone to participate in amplifying your brand in a genuine and authentic way.Recruit to Build your Company BrandingSome small businesses find it hard to compete for talent with larger organizations. Yet there are a few areas where you can favorably recruit top talent by accentuating your unique brandOffer a jack-of-all-trades employee experience. Employees can learn and be involved in many aspects of the business, rather than be narrowly focused on a specified role within a larger organization.Provide a family feel and local culture as opposed to a larger, bureaucratic environment.Give employees the opportunity to make a direct and meaningful impact on business successKeep in mind that brandful candidates care less about salary (as long as its within a reasonable range) than the quality or purpose of the job.If salary negotiationbecomes difficult during the recruiting process, the candidate may not be the right fit for your business.Heres a quick checklist to help determine if your job candidate is brandful-mindedDo they love or use your products or services?Do they know how to talk about your produc ts or services?Do they have fresh ideas about how to expand or improve your business?Do they act like owners, or are they simply looking for a paycheck?Do they give you honest and helpful feedback?If you answered yes to most of these questions, youre well on your way to building a brandful workforce of your ownAuthor BioJulia Gometz is the founder of The Brandful Workforce, a company that advises organizations on how to build a workforce that can work for the brand, rather than against it. Her book, The Brandful Workforce How Employees Can Make, Not Break Your Brand, introduces the first roadmap for organizations on how to create and sustain the brand internally. It also inspires individuals to be part of an organization whose products or services truly match their passions.Gometz is a global thought leader and practitioner in people strategy with a focus on how employees best contribute to bottom-line business results.Prior to her current venture, Julia successfully built and led three critical People functions at JetBlue Airways over her eight year tenure Employee Relations, People Analytics and Employee Engagement. An expert in making people the top competitive advantage for any organization, she has collaborated with colleagues at Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, as well as public and nonprofit organizations.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Youll Never Please em All So Dont Try!

Youll Never Please em All So Dont Try Youll Never Please em All So Dont Try Just had a conversation with a client that prompted this quick post.The client loves his new resume except for one feature. This feature is a little unusual (cant tell you what it is trade secret) but really makes his resume pop. It will not appeal to everyone some recruiters may even dislike it but for his target audience its perfect.When I explained this, my client said but I dont want to have a resume that some people dislike. And thats when I knew I had to write this post People, someone somewhere will dislike your resume no matter what you do. It wont have the right this or that for this or that company and it will be discarded. The cliche about not being able to please all the people all the time is only a cliche because its so true that we use it all the time. And the truth is that if your resume is totally conventional, it will be overlooked more often that its paid attention to just one more in a pile of unremarkable documents.By doing something different, you will at least attract attention. And if the different thing you do is calibrated to appeal to your target audience (you do know who your target audience is, right?), then how can you go wrong? For every person who is put off by your unconventional approach, there will be one or two who really notice you. Having 50% of readers pay real attention to you is already a huge leap up from where most people are lying in that pile of unremarkable but totally safe resumes.What do you think? Have you ever done anything unconventional with your resume? Would you dare to give it a try?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Remarkable Ways Your Hobbies Make You Better At Your Job

5 Remarkable Ways Your Hobbies Make You Better At Your Job5 Remarkable Ways Your Hobbies Make You Better At Your JobEvery workplace has them. The obsessive long-distance runner traveling to Kathmandu for a 100-mile ultramarathon. The train collector taking a weeks vacation to visit the Colorado Railroad Museum.But despite the fact that we all have special interests outside of our day jobs, these side passions dont get a lot of credit in the workplace. Sometimes theyre written off as whimsical pastimes, and sometimes theyre disregarded entirely. After all, what does ultra-running 50-plus miles at a time really have to do with a job as a project management specialist?It turns out that a deep interest in something unrelated to your career can actually have quite an impact on your skills and experiences in your day-to-day job. In fact, actively participating in new and old hobbies helps you develop important work skills that can benefit you in your career. Heres a look at four different ways your hobbies help make you mora well-rounded and skilled at your day jobHobbies teach you to embrace new experiences and new situationsTwenty-two percent of Americans enjoy cooking as a hobby, and 37.9 percent enjoy reading books. These might seem like low-key, private hobbies, but theres more to these pastimes than meets the eye. Both of these hobbies encourage you to try something new and expand your worldview based on a new thought or sensation. In particular, reading novels helps you become more empathetic. This gives your brain practice in identifying something new and assimilating it the same way you would on the job, making new experiences more comfortable and less stressful when they do occur.Hobbies help you develop social skillsWe all understand that interpersonal work relationships are important, and yet many of us still struggle to feel comfortable networking. Having an active hobby such as attending hobby-based conventions like Comic-Con or HobbyTown alleviates thi s discomfort by allowing you to engage with people from a variety of different backgrounds over common ground. This lesson can be applied directly on the job when you find yourself needing to connect with new employees or new teammates on a new project.Hobbies help you see more connections between seemingly unrelated thingsExperience is experience, in and out of the cubicle. Thats why new information and experience through hobbies can help you see new connections inside the workplace, too.One exercise that can help you see and explain connections is to play the metaphor game. If youre having difficulty describing a situation or challenge to someone, share it through the lens of your hobby. For example, when trying to explain a central function of your job to a new employee, try to finish the sentence, My job is like hobby in that it. It may seem like a random exercise, but youd be surprised how quickly your brain can shape an easy-to-understand connection when given the opportunity. Hobbies improve brain functionDancing is a preferred hobby of 9.2 percent of Americans, and thats great news for those individuals on the job because dancing enhances brain power. Learning new dance moves activates your brain motor center, in turn forming new nerven betreffend connections that help you think quicker. The result is that youre faster to think, problem-solve and communicate your thoughts than you otherwise would be.Hobbies force you to cope with a wide variety of peopleFinally, having a hobby also puts you in a position to cope with the behavior of a wide variety of people you might otherwise never meet. Constantly interacting and communicating with different people will help you navigate diversity in the workplace, too. For example, managing a difficult member of your book club or sports team can directly translate to managing tough coworkers or employees.Hobbies are worthwhile endeavors on and off the job. Dont discount your hobbies as childs play. When you invest ti me in your off-the-job hobbies and pursuits you are learning valuable skills that you can apply to your career.Do you have a hobby thats helped you perform better on the job? Share below

Friday, December 6, 2019

Vital Pieces of Ms Word Resume

Vital Pieces of Ms stimmt Resume You may change the personal statement in line with the organization or job youre applying to but dont just make one-goes-for-all type of private statement. The summary statement at the summit of your resume is your very first opportunity to earn a fantastic impression with the hiring manager. Your resume is like an advertising document, which enable you to offer your candidacy in the most lucrative way. Utilizing this completely free smart resume schablone, you can create your self-marketing document more presentable to employers and make a call-back for the work interview The Ms stimmt Resume Cover Up A basic resume is also simpler to read. The Key accomplishments area gives you the ability to demonstrate the ideal achievements. Icons make it simple to concentrate on each individual resume section. A good resume would assist with that. What Everybody Dislikes About Ms Word Resume and Why When you must create a resume or compose an employm ent letter, it can be valuable to get started with a template. Youre able to download as many resumes as you desire. Its possible for you to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. The New Fuss About Ms Word Resume The bulleted Expertise section enables you to display the degree of your abilities. This kind of resumes are for the most part focused on your expertise, skills and experience instead of the work history. The Chronological Resume indicates the specific timeline of somebodys job history and illustrates their abilities and experience. Ms Word Resume - the Story If youd prefer a different search for your resume, take a look at our substantial library of other beautiful templates. If you aim to make a new CV or maybe to refresh an existing one, have a look at the Fancy template. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personali ty, professionalism and some style. There are quite many templates online but not all of these are good enough. Objective The fundamental idea is to compose a personal statement that describes what you would like to become or do eventually. You also receive a feeling of what information you do not have to include. In the event that you didnt locate the template which you require, feel free to bring a look at the section on the website. The one issue is They alllook amazing When youre in work hunt, nothing can help you more than an impressive resume. Whichever service you select, I cant overstate the worth of employing an expert job resume template. Any resume template word you pick is a sensible distribution of your professional and individual experiences made to maximize the impacts of the page to highlight your finest traits. 1 tip I would like to offer you is that if youre using hard copies of your resume, ensure that the paper is of the best quality and the paper suits your resume konzept. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite hard to choose the best one that is most suited to you. The Pain of Ms Word Resume It is extremely easy to create a great looking resume in Word and one can even utilize templates to assist them. If youve got an earlier version of Word, you merely wish to visit FILE and New and youre going to have the ability to hunt for resume or hunt for templates. Utilizing Word, you may create your own templates for just about any application, including resumes. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot on the web and can be downloaded for additional use. Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. 7 Another totally free Word resume example made by MOO together with Microsoft. Typography is essential portion of the layout and Times New Roman just kills the typography as it is used too much. The Downside Risk of Ms Word Resume Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the thought of getting a better choice. Theres a few unique strategies to alter the formatting. Word Resume templates are complete with the whole outline structure and the majority of the content which makes way for a powerful resume in an issue of only two or three minutes. A good deal of times people simply want to update a resume with a different appearance. You need to demonstrate that you have done things. If youre in a field which requires you to send out plenty of resumes on a normal basis, look at taking the opportunity to construct a folder structure to keep things organized. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Working At Asana

Working At Asana Meet Sika, who started her career in public health. She is now a product manager (PM) on the Asana mobile gruppe. She shares her favorite parts of being a PM and how the role keeps her on her toes. She also talks about ways she feels empowered at Asana Meet Sika Mobile Team Product Manager Are you interested in joining the team at Asana?If yes, then click here to see all available opportunities at Asana and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, event invitations and more One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction wo rkers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 mio construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that divers e teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) w aiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The n ext set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Make Sporting Events Contribute to Teamwork at Work

Make Sporting Events Contribute to Teamwork at WorkMake Sporting Events Contribute to Teamwork at WorkSporting events, presidential inaugurations, national tragedies, deaths of prominent individuals, and acts of terror all detract from workplace productivity as employees focus their interest and energy on the event. Whether they watch television in conference rooms and gathering areas or watch unfolding events in front of their computer, little work is accomplished. Workplaces can honor their employees need to view and participate in national events or tap into their downright interest in sporting events through teamwork. Employees will be distracted and involved anyway. Why not use these events to further positive teamwork in your workplace? Focusing on sporting events, as a more positive national event for involving employees in your workplace, consider the range of activities the company could sponsor to tap into teamwork and their team spirit. Rather than forcing employees to hud dle alone in their cubicles to furtively watch the tournament games stream, create a way for employees to join together to watch and celebrate teamwork. You may avoid the worst hits to your productivity, that generally accompany employee preoccupation with sporting events, by scheduling company events to coincide with employee interests. The company benefits from encouraging teamwork and positive employee morale, while intangible, are real. Sporting Events Most Likely to Sap Productivity Global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray Christmas, Inc., according to a press release, created a non-scientific ranking of the top sporting events that potentially affect workplace productivity. behauptung are the events you might want to prepare to manage and potentially, turn into plusses for teamwork and employee motivation within your company. These are applicable to all fan sporting events. Managed and celebrated effectively in your workplace, each of these events can contribute t o the development of your teamwork culture. NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament (AKA, March Madness) Office tournament pools and the fact that about half of the first 32 games are played during work hours makes March Madness the granddaddy of productivity sappers. Need proof? The NCAA Boss Button, which instantly hides the tournament webcast behind work-related pages if the boss comes into view, has become increasingly sophisticated and useful in every year since it was first created in 2006. (How silly is that? These are adults, people.) NFL Fantasy Football Millions of fantasy football participants manage their teams from their office. Whether its preparing for their fantasy draft, recruiting league co-players, or initiating trades, the time devoted to fantasy football may seem minor, but over the 17-week season, the hours add up. Then, theres all of that midnight oil burned plotting strategy to consider, too. The Super Bowl The Super Bowl is not played during work hours, so the impac t is felt on Monday when the revelers return to work. Check your attendance records and count your hungover, tired staff members to assess the real damage in your workplace. Did you know that some fans have launched a campaign to make post-Super Bowl Monday an official work holiday? You know, get a life. World Cup Soccer elend yet big in the U.S., World Cup Soccer has a huge impact on workplace productivity worldwide. Some companies in Europe and South America shut down on the day of a big match. College Football Bowl Season Bowl games start in mid-December and, whether they are played during the day, or just keep your workforce up at night, their impact is felt in the workplace. Fortunately, work in many workplaces around the holidays is typically slower than normal. Baseball Playoffs and World Series Games, though mostly played in the evening, produce groggy fans at work the next day, particularly in cities with playoff/World Series teams. NHL Playoffs/Stanley Cup Finals Professio nal hockey playoffs last almost two months. For cities with teams in the playoffs, these games create distractions as fans critique their teams performance and plan post-game celebrations. NBA Playoffs/Finals As with baseball and hockey, productivity is mostly killed in cities with competing teams. The biggest employee productivity threat comes from late night game-watching on work nights. The Olympics Since four years reisepass between the winter Olympics and the summer Olympics, these events attract a lot of dedicated viewers. Most employees put in their watching time during prime-time television hours, but faster internet connections are making the live streaming of events from employee desks possible. And, whats not to love about beach volleyball, gymnastics, ski jumping, or the half pipe? Apple Product Announcements Okay, Challenger is mostly tongue-in-cheek with this but Apple product announcements do foster almost as much pre-event hype and water cooler speculation as actual sporting events do. Blogging the event, product reviews, reading all of these pages, and maybe even waiting in line for stores to open, sap employee productivity. Employ an up-to-the-minute IT staff? You know exactly what the situation is when a new Apple product comes to town.

Friday, November 22, 2019

4 #NYFW trends you can wear at the workplace

4 NYFW trends you can wear at the workplace4 NYFW trends you can wear at the workplaceRunway models shouldnt have all the fun Translate these fashion week looks into workplace-appropriate attire. Last week, the top fashion brands in the world descended on New York City for New York Fashion Week 2015. And it looks like the latest and greatest in fashion have equipped us with vibrant, eye-catching trends that steer away from the tired, cold-weather boots-and-a-cardigan uniform. Ready for a fashion rewind?These whimsical themes and menswear-inspired silhouettes can be easily integrated into work-appropriate attire for any industry. Whether youre a trend-conscious worker at a fashion publication or a no-nonsense financial executive, read on for ways to boost your work wardrobe and impress co-workers with your ability to interpret the latest runway trends.1. FringeSubtle fringe can give any outfit a 70s flair, which happens to be the go-to theme seen on the runways in New York last week. But lets face it, in a stricter workplace, stray pieces of fabric dangling from your dress or top can be distracting to you, and those in your arbeitszimmer.However, those in at startups or in creative industries can take advantage of their fashion-friendly work environment by sporting accessories adorned with a dash of fringe- think a pair of boots, or a purse. For ladies who tend to be a bit bolder with their fashion choices, a long skirt lined with a bit of fringe could bring the trend to life.2. GinghamThough this print exploded in New York last fall as a top trend for spring 2015, Gingham is still in on the runways - perhaps due in part to its incredible versatility. Designer Alutzarra shows how the same print, but featured in varying colors on a different silhouettes, can portray very different looks suitable for contrasting company cultures.A black-and-white gingham print adds an air of retro sophistication and could be adorned anywhere, anytime, from January to July. Below i s an example of how gingham print adds a fun, 50s flair to a simple skirt-and-jacket ensemble, while still maintaining a conservative appearance.On the other hand, a colorful gingham-patterned blouse- think picnic-blanket chic- would be the perfect statement piece for casual summer office days. A dress like the one shown below is a great example of what a woman in a more wardrobe-lenient office environment could wear during a sweltering summer day (But maybe with a few more buttons closed).3. TurtlenecksLayering was all the rage on the runway last week, and it appears that turtlenecks are a necessary ingredient in a toasty chose 2015 ensemble.In these remaining frigid winter months, take advantage of this trend and wrap yourself up in a chunky turtleneck sweater in lieu of a flimsy cardigan or zip-up hoodie.If youre looking to take this trend to the next level, many designers have shown turtlenecks peeking out from beneath sundresses. Got a sundress youd love to wear to the office, but its about 40 degrees too cold? Think about throwing a chich, black turtleneck underneath it.4. WhiteWhite is clearly the go-to color for Fall 2015. Designers are contrasting this modest color with adventurous silhouettes for a striking effect. A word of warning Be extra-wary of coffee stains.If youre not looking to stun in a stark-white outfit, white, silk, collared blouses are also turning up all over the catwalk. These staple pieces can be worn to any office environment. Try pairing it with patterned pants for a fashion-forward office, or with slacks or a pencil skirt for business attire.There is always a subtle way to incorporate the latest trends into your wardrobe. Be aware of what your employers consider to be appropriate, but remember theres no need to sacrifice your love of fashion just because you work in, say, the financial industry. So take a risk with your look as you implement trends from the latest New York Fashion week, but try to keep the risk of appalling your b oss to a minimum.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Find the Perfect Job With These 5 Questions From the Aussies

Find the Perfect Job With These 5 Questions From the AussiesFind the Perfect Job With These 5 Questions From the AussiesAs Americans, were in constant competition with one aelendher to be the best consumers and employees. Its a great way to make great money, but we also end up buried in endless work, misery, and stress. Were constantly purchasing with the intent to live life to the fullest, then immediately turn around and go to work.Life is different in Australia. Youll never hear someone let work get in the way of enjoying life. Aussies work only to earn money to live. They stop to smell the roses were speeding by in our new cars. At the end of the workday, everyone from the mayor to a beach bum sits at the pub as equals, appreciating the little moments in life. While it would be nice to simply pack your bags and move to Australia, happiness isnt a geographic location. You dont need to live Down Under to adopt an Aussie mindset. All it takes is the proper work-life balance, which y ou can achieve by finding the right company and career to nurture your passions and lifestyle. Ask yourself these five questions to determine whether the position youre applying for is right for youHow do I want to spend my time?I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and I created a pretty comfortable life for myself with my initial poker chip company. With the free time I had, I searched for my passion and decided to find a way to monetize it. Wielding an I can Aussie attitude, I embraced the challenge of starting a surf company that brought me to exotic locales, fueling peoples fun with top-of-the-line equipment. If I simply did something I was good at, Id be hidden away in a cubicle somewhere, crunching numbers for a financial company. Instead, I chose to spend my time on something I wanted to do, trusting that the money would eventually come.Would I do this for free?Business has good and bad times. If youre not happy with what youre doing, youll likely jump ship as soon a s the seas get rough, while the people following their heart hang on for dear life. Aussies believe in neglecting your fears and embracing the challenge, so think about what you would do if you were a millionaire with only a year to live. What would you want to do? The journey is more important than the destination its how youll be spending your time, which is a much more valuable resource than money.Who else works here?Before accepting a job, search for company employees on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Look at the photos employees post on these sites. Someone with pictures of social events and an active lifestyle is likely the type of person who enjoys life and, thus, his work. You can also get a good read on people by the general positivity or negativity in their status updates. People with an Aussie mindset are typically happy and excited about life, and those are the team members you want to work with. What am I contributing to society?Dont just focu s on what you do - take a look at what the company does. There are two perspectives to every company. How you feel about its work will determine whether you should work there. The fitness industry is a good example of this On one hand, you might feel like youre helping people feel good about themselves. On the other, you may believe the industry takes advantage of peoples insecurities. No company will sell themselves as the bad guy, so its up to you to do your due diligence. How a company treats employees and customers is often interrelated, so if youre not already familiar with its reputation, ask the hiring manager what the company is doing for the world to make sure it has an Aussie culture.Where can this job take me?With any luck, you can travel the world between school and joining the workforce. If youve recently graduated, Id highly recommend taking a year off to travel like the Aussies do. Once you get into the workforce, youll need to focus on where your company can take yo u. This isnt just about physical locale. The career you pursue should create opportunities as you continue your life journey. There are three things a company can do to maximize your prospects in life Invest in continued learning, work smarter as a company, and know you arent working to make money - youre working to grow. In America, the busier you are, the better. Aussies, however, take the time to enjoy the little things in life, such as chatting with a neighbor or soaking in the natural beauty around them. They dont live to work they work to live. Adopting this mindset is essential to finding the career path youre passionate about. Thats the Aussie way, and it can easily be your way - if you choose.Stephan Aarstolis the CEO and founder ofTower Paddle Boards,an online manufacturer-direct brand in stand-up paddleboarding. Stephan is an entrepreneurial thought leader and online marketing expert, and he welcomes anyone to reach out to him onGoogle+.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing in the Third Person From the First Person

Writing in the Third Person From the First Person Writing in the Third Person From the First Person It can be easy to fall into the habit of writing in the first person but its crucial to be able to use the third person as well. Both first person and third person have their strengths and weaknesses. What works for one story may not work for another. This exercise will help you observe the impact of writing in the third person point of view, which might open up new directions for your story that you hadnt considered before. Any distance you can have from the page, or new ways you can have of seeing the same narrative are important. Often, as writers, we are too focused on what we think the story is about, rather than - perhaps - what it has become on the page. Changing point of view can give you a new perspective, often illuminating new pieces of your fiction, inspiring new ideas, and making for deeper and more introspective fiction. What You Need A scene  from a recent story or novel.Computer or paper and pen.Quiet place to work. How to Write in the Third Person Choose a particularly compelling or problematic scene from a piece of prose you have recently written in the first person. Try to find a piece that includes both dialogue and exposition.  Rewrite the piece from the third person point of view. Take your time. It may require some strategizing to pull off the transformation. Youll also have to consider whether or not you want to use third person omniscient or limited. (In moving from first to third, it might be easiest to try the third person limited first.) Notice how the change in point of view changes the voice and the mood of the story. What freedom do you have with this narrator that you did not have before? If you have chosen the limited third person, is there anything that you now know about the character that you didnt before? If you have chosen omniscient, does the new information inform or inhibit the story? Likewise, are there any limitations in using this point of view?Make a list of three or four advantages of the new point of view: ways the new voice helps develop plot and/or character. Does it change the structure? Does the heart of the story change, or does it become more refined?   Make a list of the limitations of the third person point of view with regard to this particular piece. Is it the most effective way of telling this story? Were there ways in which it was harder to develop your central character with the third person? Did it force you to use other techniques in revealing your character? Was the voice stronger or weaker? If weaker, was the trade-off worthwhile?If the new point of view works well with this scene, consider changing the point of view for the entire piece. Otherwise, return to your original. More Writing Tips Even if changing to the third person point of view has not improved this particular piece, remain open to it in future work. Use the lessons learned in this exercise to evaluate point of view in all the fiction you write. As you become more comfortable with the third person, you might begin to find the distance it can provide helps you have a new perspective on your narrative.  Lorrie Moore has a good explanation for how she chooses POV: There are times when the first person is necessary for observing others (not the protagonist) in a voice that simultaneously creates a character (usually the protagonist); then there are times when the third person is necessary for observing the protagonist in a voice that is not the character’s but the story’s. Want to practice other aspects of craft and technique? Find more craft exercises here.

Monday, November 18, 2019

How HR Uses Data to Recruit Talented Employees

How HR Uses Data to Recruit Talented Employees How HR Uses Data to Recruit Talented Employees Many people go into a career in Human Resources because they enjoy working with people- not with numbers. However, it’s important for HR to use numbers to find and recruit the best candidates. HR data, appropriately used, can make a significant impact on your business and your ability to recruit. You may think that recruiting good talent is all about relationships- and relationships are essential- but data can make your recruiting process better. Using Your Internal Data to Help You Recruit Successfully Most businesses have an HR Information System (HRIS) of some sort. You may also have a Human Capital Management Solution (HCMS) that gives you even better data. Regardless, you know how many employees you have, and you know what your turnover and growth look like. If you’ve been growing at a steady pace over the past few years, you can predict how many people you’ll need to hire in the future. Tie that in with your turnover data, and you can figure out approximately how many people you’ll need to hire in the next year or so. This data can help you plan and fill your talent pipeline. Remember, because good recruiting is about relationships, you want to build relationships with potential candidates in advance. This doesn’t mean posting fake job descriptions or interviewing people when you have no available positions; this means building relationships with potential employees through networking. In this way, when you do have available positions, you have a slate of people who may be interested. Additionally, you get a good idea of what skills are out there, so you can look for gaps within your company and say, “Hey, I know we can get someone to do X, which will help grow our business.” More Internal HR Data That Can Help You Recruit Successfully Another source of internal HR data that can help you recruit effectively is internal survey data and exit interview data. What do your employees value? Are you providing that? Why are people leaving your organization? Are they leaving for more money, promotional opportunities, or because your management team is ineffective? This information can help you determine what programs and policies work and which need fixing so that you can make your company more competitive. Remember, perks are often locally based. Google may have fantastic perks and benefits for employees, but if your business is 2000 miles away, you’re looking at a different situation entirely. Using External Data That Can Help You Recruit Successfully How do you know that your salaries are at market rate? How do you know your vacation policy is competitive? You use data, of course, to make comparisons. Salary surveys, benefits surveys, and even looking at, can help you determine what benefits and opportunities make your business shine in the eyes of your potential employees. Recruiting top talent requires you to know what market rates for salary are competitive. You can’t rely on your best guess, nor can you depend on a candidate’s preferred salary. She may say she’s looking for a salary of $75,000, and you may give her that, but if the market rate for the position is $90,000, you can bet she won’t stay with you for long. Plus, she’ll leave with a bad taste in her mouth. So, its critical to make sure that you know your data when you recruit and hire employees. Using data from your clients can help you do a better job of recruiting. What do your customers like and what do they hate? You want to look at this data and then hire people who will fix your customers problems and perfect your strengths as an organization. If you ignore this data, you may focus on the wrong candidates who bring the wrong skills. Data for Evaluating Candidates HR has always looked at the schools the candidate attended, the degrees they achieved, and past jobs for their experience. All of this is data, but so much more data is currently available. HR can use aptitude or skills testing to make sure the candidate can do what she says she can do. You can look at the skills that were demonstrated by previous successful employees and match them with the skills of your candidates. Using the data you have available can make it easier to figure out which candidate will be a better fit for the role. An HR Data Caution Data is awesome, but you are still working with humans. You may see that a benefits survey shows that most people in your field like to telecommute, but the star candidate sitting in front of you makes it clear that she prefers to work in an office setting. Ignore the candidates need, and you may lose out on an employee who can help your business grow. Using your applicant tracking system to sort through hundreds of resumes may make you think that you can find the perfect candidate who checks off every data point. You might, but it’s doubtful. Instead, remember that the good enough candidate is better than no candidate at all. After all, you are still Human Resources and still need to look at the human side of the equation, even if you do enhance your recruitment role with data.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to keep both genders happy in the workplace

How to keep both genders happy in the workplace How to keep both genders happy in the workplace Over the past few years, Acceleration Partners has been named one of the 100 Best Workplaces for Women (thanks to Great Place to Work Institute and Fortune magazine). In fact, 79% of our workforce today is women. This made me think about what a best workplace for men would look like. Craft beer on tap, break room TV playing ESPN, after-hours Xbox competitions - sounds like a man’s dream workplace, right?While these perks might make for a fun place to work for a recent college graduate, a great place to work requires a far deeper definition of purpose and culture beyond superficial workplace benefits. A great company is one that can achieve solid, long-term financial success in combination with the personal and professional growth of its employees. These companies find ways to create flexibility and seamless work-life integration.Supporting all employees - women and men - in their quests for personal and professional growth is a top priority at Acceleration Partners, and I’d li ke to think it’s one of the reasons the company has been a recipient of  numerous culture awards  . This made me step back to consider the things we need to keep doing right. Here are five of them:1. Measure results, not time in the office.Years ago, I had a boss who was much happier if I was in the office early, even if I was just playing games on my computer, than if I came in at a normal hour. At Acceleration Partners, we focus on output, not input, knowing that more time  does not equal  more productivity. Rather than rewarding the time people put in, we reward the time they spend working intelligently and efficiently.2. Let people work however they work best.We provide a very flexible - but accountable - work environment. People can work when and how they want, as long as they get the job done. I can’t tell you the number of people who have cut out a multiple-hour daily commute when they join us. If those employees give us half that time and spend the other half on person al pursuits, that’s a huge win-win. Plus, people tend to be more efficient  without the distractions  of an office environment. Interruptions cost the U.S. economy a whopping  $588 billion a year.3. Don’t buy into balance.The term  work-life balance is misleading. It assumes everything can always be in harmony, that people’s lives are equal parts work and play. The reality is, however, that no one’s definition of balance is doing work with a baby bouncing on his or her lap. Integration, on the other hand, happens when people have both meaningful work and time to pursue personal and professional development.4. Plan to be around for the long haul.Too many high-growth companies don’t care about the long-term effects of poor employee engagement and satisfaction. At Acceleration Partners, we know it’s important to define our culture, consider our people and  communicate our company’s vision  if we want to build an enduring business. I recommend joining organizations that sh are those values - ie.  EO  and the  Tugboat Institute.5. Realize that both genders need support in their personal pursuits.People are our greatest resource, and we are dedicated to creating a superior work environment for all of our employees. Many women are hitting their professional stride right as they decide to start families, and many jobs make them choose between a career and a family. And, while it’s not talked about as often, the  same applies to men. Our President and I work as hard as anyone, but we both also make it a top priority to be around for our families. The reason I created a culture of flexibility in the first place was so that I didn’t have to choose between watching my children grow up and having a meaningful career.Part of our mission at Acceleration Partners is to change the traditional work-life paradigm. We may not have beer on tap or an office fantasy football league, but we do place a premium on integration, flexibility and accountability. That focu s has helped us attract top talent, grow our company and even snag the number-five spot for a great place to work.Robert Glazer  is the founder and CEO of  Acceleration Partners  and the author of the international bestselling book  Performance Partnerships. Join 40,000 global leaders who follow his inspirational weekly  Friday Forward,  invite him to speak, or follow him on  Twitter.This article was originally posted on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Simply Hired Updates Web Pages to Make Your Job Search Easier

Simply Hired Updates Web Pages to Make Your Job Search Easier Simply Hired Updates Web Pages to Make Your Job Search Easier If, like thousands of other people, you’ve resolved to find a new job this year, you may have noticed Simply Hired’s new web pages. Although much of the functionality you’ve grown accustomed to remains the same, we’ve made some key changes that will make it quicker and even easier to discover and apply to the jobs that are right for you. Here’s a look at what’s new. Search filters have been consolidated and relocated Our filters are now located front and center when you search for a job. This makes it easier for you to add and remove job criteria and discover companies and jobs that pique your interest more quickly. If you’re unfamiliar with search filters, now is a great time to try out a few, including job type, distance, and even specialty filters, such as the one for new grad jobs. New recommendation components With companies in almost every industry providing personalized recommendation to help find everything from TV shows, sites to consumer products, we thought, “Why not jobs, too?” That’s why we’ve added a number of recommendation tools to the search results page including “Companies You Might Like,” “Cities With Jobs Near” and “People Also Looked For.”  With these suggested searches, you can find opportunities tailored just for you and gain a more comprehensive view of the job market. Simply Apply easier to locate Jobs marked “Simply Apply” support 1-click applying, which you can do from anywhere, with any device. We just made finding these jobs easier to zero in on. With the newly redesigned and repositioned Simply Apply notification, you will now be able to quickly identify jobs with this seamless, one-step process. Just register for an account on Simply Hired, upload your resume and Simply Apply! Increased performance and speed In addition to revamping the look and feel of our search results page,, we’ve added some power under the hood. When you perform a search, our improved site speed and performance will allow you to find jobs in record time. You’ll now be able to browse more jobs in less time, discovering even more roles that may be a fit. Mobile-friendly Now our site adapts to any screen size and preserves full site functionality whether you’re at home or on-the-go.  So take your job search mobile! By logging into your Simply Hired account (link), you can start a search on your desktop and pick up where you left off on the road. Looking for a job has never been more convenient! Check out the redesigned search results page  here. Discover more job search tips  here.

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Managers Can Delegate Effectively

How Managers Can Delegate Effectively How Managers Can Delegate Effectively As a manager, you’ll inevitably find the need to share tasks and projects with members of your team. However, it can be hard to let go and trust others - to delegate effectively. Whether it's office relationships, politics or your own insecurities, this can be difficult. Still, avoiding delegation can send you down the road to burnout. It can also deprive your team of the chance to learn new skills. So it’s important to learn how and when to delegate effectively. Here are five steps: 1. Know whom to choose The choice of whom you delegate a task to will mostly be based on individual strengths (and weaknesses), as well as overall work style, but motivation should be a factor, too. In general, you want to look to your best team players. These are the people who take the attitude that delegated responsibilities are ultimately “their” work, instead of someone else’s, and that they can benefit from mentoring relationships. 2. Be clear with instructions without micromanaging When you delegate a task, it should be seen as a sign of your trust in the person and an opportunity for career advancement. However, if you provide too little or too much instruction, that perception can change quickly. Focus on the desired outcome, and specify parts of the process that are important to you. Remember, support is one thing; giving orders and checking in at every step of the process is quite another. 3. Set clear deadlines Avoid being too general with your timeline and using phrases like “sometime next week” or “in the next few days.” Set specific deadlines, and be direct about how strict or flexible they are. 4. Leave the door open for communication Make it clear to the tasked worker or team that they shouldn’t hesitate to come to you with questions or with any thoughts about the project or changes they think should be made. They may see something you don’t, and you may learn something new. 5. Don’t forget follow-up Effective delegation should be a two-way street. Of course, you’ll want to offer workplace recognition and praise to the person who did the work and, perhaps, provide any necessary criticism. But don’t forget to also ask how you could make the process better next time. Besides helping you avoid burnout and allowing your team to gain new skills, effective delegation can have another great side effect: Over time, it will make it easier for you to identify your office stars, the ones who are ready for promotion to leadership roles. Get more management advice by reading the Robert Half blog. Subscribe to our newsletter When you subscribe to the Robert Half newsletter, you’ll get articles and resources to help you build and manage a winning accounting and finance team - all sent directly to your inbox. Click the button below to sign up today! SUBSCRIBE NOW

Thursday, November 14, 2019

6 Ways to Guide Your Team Through Change

6 Ways to Guide Your Team Through Change 6 Ways to Guide Your Team Through Change Communication is, without question, a critical element in successful change management. To realize positive outcomes during and after a major change event, it is imperative for managers to be proactive, thoughtful and strategic in their approach to sharing information with their employees. In fact, a recent Robert Half Management Resources survey of senior managers in the United States found a solid majority (65 percent) of these business leaders believe clear and frequent communication is the most important success factor for guiding their team through change. What communication tactics should managers employ to help their employees understand and adapt to change? Tim Hird, executive director for Robert Half Management Resources, outlined six effective strategies in a recent article for the American Management Association (AMA). READ THE ARTICLE More tips for change management success See these posts for additional insights on how to guide your accounting and finance team successfully through significant change: Hitting All the Pins: Change Management Tips for Small Businesses: How can you up your game with change management? By avoiding the five common pitfalls and applying the suggested best practices outlined in this post. Change Management Disasters: Steer Clear of These 3 Fatal Fails: If you want to ensure your change management efforts are a resounding success, it̢۪s important to learn from others̢۪ mistakes. See this post for major change management quagmires to avoid. Tags

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

People fear robots taking over jobs around the world

People fear robots taking over jobs around the world People fear robots taking over jobs around the world If you worry about the robot takeover, you are not alone. In a new Pew Research Center survey of 9,670 respondents in nine countries this summer, the researchers found that in large majorities of people across the globe, people are more worried than optimistic about our robot brethren working alongside us and doing our current jobs.Anxiety about robots taking jobs is widespreadIn the nine countries of polled - the United States, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Poland, Brazil, South Africa, Italy, and Hungary - each country̢۪s majority came to the same view that robots and computers would be doing much of the work currently done by humans in the next 50 years.And this made populations anxious about their career prospects. More than eight in ten adults in Greece, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, and Canada said it would be harder for ordinary people to get jobs. All of the countries̢۪ majorities recognized that the inequality between the rich and the poor would get worse than it is today when this robot takeover happens.Robot optimists believe that robots can free up humans to do more creative, fulfilling work. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, for example, says robots can help us cure diseases and avoid accidents. But the participants in this study did not share this optimism. None of the countries̢۪ majority populations said that this future of work would lead to new, better-paying jobs. Only Japan (74%), Poland (52%) and Hungary (52%) said that robots performing human jobs would make economies more efficient.Who is going to prepare employees for the future of work? It is going to be up to the workers themselves, many populations believed. In the U.S, Argentina, and Brazil, more than seven in ten people said that individuals have a lot of responsibility for getting the right skills and education for this future.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Which Music Industry Job Is Right for You

Which Music Industry Job Is Right for You Which Music Industry Job Is Right for You If you love music and know you want a music related job, the hardest part might not be committing to going for it but choosing your perfect music career. There are tons of different ways you can get involved in the music industry and lots of different music jobs you can do. This guide should help you narrow things down and figure out which part of the music biz suits you best. Below youll find some common music careers and pros and cons for each that you should consider before making the leap. Youll also find links to more information about each career. Dont miss Part One of the music job pros and cons list! Record Producer - The Pros Get a hand in the creative process with lots of different artists.Get a lot of credit - great producers are recognized for their artistic achievements in the same way great musicians are.Can work for a studio or independentlyCan pay well, especially if you get points on a record that sells a lot of copies. Record Producer - The Cons Hours are long and irregular.Getting started can be tough - you may have to work for free for awhile to build up a reputation.Need to learn about studio equipment/recording techniques, so there is a time investment in training.Need to stay on top of new technology all the time. Music Journalist - The Pros Get to interact with some of your favorite artists.Always have the inside track on what new releases are coming up.Have a hand in shaping trends and a venue to share your thoughts about the music industry.Good for guest list spots! Music Journalist - The Cons Hours can be longLots of competition - you have to fight hard to get published and to be the one to get the interview, the story, etc.If you freelance, pay can be sporadicNeed to be able to work independently and manage deadlines. Cover Art Designer - The Pros Get to play an important role in creating to overall feel of an album - great album artwork images are remembered as music as great music and help give an album an identityGet to work closely with musicians and labelsEvery job is different, so you get to experiment with different styles and techniques Cover Art Designer - The Cons Easy to get ripped off - many designers see their images used in merch and without a good contract, they may not make a penny from those sales.Work (and pay) can be sporadicMay have to spend some time working for free to build up a reputationAs music goes online, artwork becoming less important Music  Distributor  - The Pros Get to work closely with lots of different labelsGet exposure to tons of music you might not otherwise hearCan be good money - you dont have the overhead costs of labels, yet you share in the profits of their releases Music Distributor - The Cons Can be very frustrating - labels miss release dates, stores get orders in late and then want to return them all - youre stuck in the middleDifficult to start independently

Sunday, November 10, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Teenager Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Teenager Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today The Pain of Teenager Resume You don't need to include your house address, though there may be some situations when doing so would be advisable. When you're a teenager, writing a resume with no former job experience may appear difficult. Lastly, include the reason the job is critical. If you're attempting to get considered for work at McDonald's, utilize the resume objective to your benefit. Just make certain it is altogether clean of whatever you wouldn't need a possible employer to see. Nobody expects you to have a good deal of work yet. You might think that resumes should be created when someone is prepared to try to find a full-time job. Bear in mind you must ask somebody to serve as a reference before you're able to list them as one. Whether it's because of the absence of expertise or going to an interview for the very first time, seeking work at such a youthful age can be scary. As a teenager begins her or his very first job, they are generally scared and have very little courage. Thus, it's important to compose a resume effectively and honestly in order to create a great image as an applying teenager. It's simpler to summarize when the remainder of your resume for teens is in the bag. Since you likely don't have a good deal of Work Experience, you can include your Achievements as an individual section. High School Resume templates are a valuable resource for such students. The Importance of Teenager Resume Include GPA if it sets you apart from different applicants or in the event the employer has specifically stated which you need to. You need your resume to clearly demonstrate the employer what sort of employee you are going to be. Employers search for staff that have a history of earning positive con tributions. If you wish to submit an application for a part-time position at a retail shop, utilize the next objective examples as a guide to assist you create one that is appropriate for you. It's also advisable to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requirements of the job that you're applying for. You're supposed to get some achievements in various regions of life. Whenever you get a new experience, add it. Note that there might be circumstances when including some of these information proves that you're a superior fit for the job. Your latest job experiences or other kinds of relevant experiences ought to be listed first. Making decisions which are in the very best interest of the organization, and solving problems having the most efficiency and limiting damages are traits of an excellent candidate. Even though in the event you own a lot of technical wisdom and knowledge on your subject, if you lack communication skills then it is going to be very difficult for you to realize higher positions in your organization. The Debate Over Teenager Resume Resume is a kind of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. Looking at examples will be able to help you make a decision as to what type of content you should include, in addition to how to format your resume. Therefore, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a ne w light. Finding the Best Teenager Resume Employers already know that you need their job, so instead it's much better to compose an elevator pitch at the surface of the page which will help your possible employer understand you as a man and remember what's on your resume. Have a look at our 8 job skills you need to have page to find some of the things which employers are commonly on the lookout for. To begin with, examine the work description to see whether it indicates the form of skills the provider is seeking. Whether there are in-store job openings, there'll continue to be specific requirements for each and every available position. A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the manners in which you are a best candidate for the job. Moreover, you're want to incorporate a succinct description of what duties each job entailed. You should tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular prerequisites of the job that you're applying for. Employers can learn all they will need to understand about a candidate from their school performance, which means that your Education section should reflect well on you. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular function.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Typical Resume Ideas

Typical Resume Ideas Ok, I Think I Understand Typical Resume, Now Tell Me About Typical Resume! Write the letter the way that you'll write a typical cover letter. This statement states the exact same thing with 27 less words! The primary aim of a resume together with the accompanying cover letter is to secure you the interview, pure and easy. The remaining part of the write-up discusses ten tips which will help you to compose the perfect resume. It's possible to refer resume objective samples on the net and can write the objective that may make an impression at a glance. Your professional resume is significant in many of means. You also have to have them know that you would like to move forward in the application procedure. To be able to type up a good resume you first need to understand the fundamental components a resume is composed of. Life After Typical Resume A CV includes a comprehensive description of a person's work experience, educational background, and techniques. Resume writing services have a personalized approach to come up with a sort of resume that is sure to supply the maximum quality of professional resume writing. Ensure that should you mean to use a personal objective you ask a buddy to read it to check they understand what it is you're attempting to communicate. For acquiring the work opportunity, it's important that you compose the resume that will display your abilities and traits marvelously. If you're talking about a prior job, be certain to include what you were working as, for the length of time you worked on the achievement before the result or outcome. It is crucial to include things like the words that describe your present skills. Finding Typical Resume Online Including an effective summary section at the peak of your resume is the ideal approach to acquire your next boss excited to meet you and would like to call you in for an interview. Finding the business's mission statement on its website is also a very good idea. The Summary is really the most significant part your resume. By making sure the data in your resume and cover letters map to every work description, you will dramatically raise the number of responses and interview requests you get. If you have not ever worked before, you're annoyed in regards to completing the work history section. Highlighting the prior employment record will demonstrate the responsibilities an individual previously held and the length of time they usually maintains a job. You have to highlight certain abilities and experiences while putting in an application for a specific job. To begin with, you can have a look at the job posting that the business creating to determine precisely what is necessary for the position. While it can be accepted practice in some countries for job seekers to include such data in their application, it isn't accepted practice in some nations like Canada, US and the united kingdom. When you haven't quite got to the interview phase of the work application procedure and you're still writing your resume, take a look at our resume builder and how simple it can definitely be to compose a resume. There is nobody right method to compose a resume. A well written resume with the assistance of professional resume templates can grab the interest of the employer and earn good impression. Your cover letter is a huge chance to highlight relevant skills. It's true, you have to tailor your cover letter for each particular job. The Benefits of Typical Resume Resume tips for felons are a tremendous assistance. You will need to coordinate with your skills with as many relevant keywords as you are able to. Some resumes don't have a typical format throughout. While resume templates could be effortless to follow along with the template presented may not be best suited for your specific employment background.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The True Meaning of Resume Cover Letter Samples

The True Meaning of Resume Cover Letter Samples Samples will provide you with a notion of what information to have in your cover letter, and the way to format the letter. Pick the Resume Cover Letter option and choose the template you would like. Short cover letters might not be as familiar to everyone in comparison to an ordinary cover letter. Composing a cover letter is not a simple job. A Consulting Cover Letter can likewise be written in the same manner. Whether you're writing an Accounting Cover Letter or a work application cover letter, it is vital that you abide by the proper format. Sample resume to a single page. Read through some samples, then customize your own letter so that it shows why you ought to be selected for an interview. Cover letter samples are an excellent place to begin before writing your own letter. A sample is able to help you decide what things to put in your letter, and the way to format the letter. New Questions About Resume Cover Letter Samples Your pals at Resume Companion are here in order to assist you with your transition. It may be hard to understand just where to start since there are several distinct strategies and advice out there regarding Cover Letters. Up in Arms About Resume Cover Letter Samples? Employers would like to know what you do well. Resumes cover letters and what's the letter. A Resume Cover Letter Format has an extremely significant role in bringing you the very best employment prospect. Accounting is about numbers. The End of Resume Cover Letter Samples How to offer your candidacy on a cover letter for sales positions to receive any job you desire. At worst, it can earn a promising candidate seem to be an uncreative cut-and-paster. There are several job candidates that are qualified but yet they're rejected! A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. Just as you've got to discipline yourself to rewriting your application materials, you must decide on the number of positions you're asking for a day. The introduction briefly states the way the applicant found out about the particular job opening and the particular position he's applying for. If you're responding to a newspaper advertisement, online job posting or networking with a particular possible employer it's important to personalize your cover letter to every employer and each work opportunity to reveal how you fit the job and business requirements. Summarize why you're the proper person for the job. Relating your strengths to the requirements of the organization and the work immediately indicates you've spent time considering the position. One of the absolute most important jobs of any great sales pitch is to refrain from doing harm. Regardless of what engineering track you're on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to satisfy quality standards. For instance, a cover letter is an excellent place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a protracted gap in employment. Your cover letter is able to help you take that additional degree of control over your application package. A terrific cover letter is your opportunity to prove that you know the range of the role and the business's mission.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Whats Actually Going on with Resume Synonyms

What's Actually Going on with Resume Synonyms All of us talk an acceptable game about what should be on your resume, but there's also plenty of stuff which should be taken off. Including a potent summary section at the peak of your resume is the very best approach to acquire your next boss excited to meet you and would like to call you in for an interview. You found waste, and figured out a means to eradicate it. The Resume Synonyms Cover Up Use confident' to demonstrate you know who you are as an individual and that you're able to carry any tasks without being afraid or hesitating. It ought to be easy for someone to scan in 10 seconds. No matter what you do, don't tell it to the individual reading your resume. Ivy League schools, for example, may be utilized to filter applications for high-profile businesses and positions. Unless you are sure that your politics line up with the business's values, it's ideal to steer clear. It's fast and simple to use. But every now an d then you will encounter expressions which don't appear to have kept up with the times. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a tiny zest. Take advantage of these words to spell out the physical look of your character. If you don't have the company, it's poor form to run your work search via your institution's email system. But in my professional opinion, it can help to set your address. Instead, you may want to send a URL to your online resume or LinkedIn profile. Include interests only as long as you feel they support your general expert message and brand. Type a list of three to five duties you were accountable for as a waitress at that special restaurant, selecting those abilities and responsibilities that are related to the job you're applying for. Applicants are somewhat more confident to reject work offer in place of a better one. Ideally, a resume isn't supposed to contain all of a candidate's educational and work related abilities, but nevertheless , it should contain and speak about only those skills which are linked to the specific job where the applicant is interested. It's difficult to find the one which you want. Key Pieces of Resume Synonyms Job descriptions can offer various phrases and key words that you need to review. Even though it's a bright idea to have those references prepared to send over. A resume needs to be straightforward, so be as easy as possible with language. It's essential to note that less is more when it has to do with adjectives. The 240 resume words within this article do precisely that. You can't just trick the ATS into believing you're the very best applicant as you included a lot of keywords on your resume. Now you must find out the resume keywords and phrases utilized for your intended position. It's possible for you to use closely-related synonyms, but it's best to simply use the exact same adjectives and keywords. No matter which type of resume format you pick, you're not obligat ed to incorporate all your work experience if it's not directly about the job you're applying for. It's like a tool which lets an individual scream about himself to the world. If you are not certain, it's worth your time to get hold of the agency and ask which would be most suitable for the position. Find out how to write for young adults with an internet course. The Internet is an excellent supply of new words to utilize in your career documents. Editing a resume can be hard. Let's start with a fast overview of resumes, because they are more familiar to the majority of American writers than CVs. Resume keywords showcase your specified skills. He didn't even require a level to meet the requirements for that job. Part of what draws the interest of a hiring manager is using important words that are associated with the work vacancy. That's the reason you should also utilize keywords that could be associated to other abilities or experience linked to your job. That's simple to findit's in the work ad. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. It's also important to concentrate on skills that you will use if you receive the job that you're applying for. Typically this word is connected with Sales and Marketing or Budgeting and Forecasting related industries, but nevertheless, it can fit into almost any facet which allows for a resume to demonstrate a talent to invoke transformation. Please have a peek at the attached resume. But as for ever having the capability to resume real work that should not be expected. If you consider it, the one most important thing your resume should convey is that YOU are excellent for the job available. While I look back at the very first couple resumes I sent, I immediately begin cringing. Ok, I Think I Understand Resume Synonyms, Now Tell Me About Resume Synonyms! Politics is a standard problematic topic that springs to mind, but I would likewise refrain from mentioning in your resume you can shotgun a beer in under 30 seconds. Resunate employs a 10-point compatibility scale rather than a proportion. The issue is With such a massive selection and speed at which we need to act, it's not that tough to earn a misguided choice. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Resume Synonyms The way by which you include waitressing in your resume depends upon the resume format you're using. Thus, give your resume a fantastic once-over, and be certain every word on such page is working hard for you. This website offers 332 resume templates you may download, customize, and print free of charge. Many times, the application instructions for a specific position will state if it's the CV or resume is requested. Generally speaking, it is a great rule of thumb to read the organization description or the About us page on their site and go from that point.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Resume Templates Doc and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Resume Templates Doc and How It Can Affect You Let's look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. If you're looking for Google Cv Templates Free you've come to the correct spot. Google Docs' letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the fashion of your resume. Project Manager Blank Resume Templates do not will need to seem stylish but they need to appear professional. So if you decide to go the Resume Builder route, be mindful that you will have to cover the last product. Based on your industry or whether you're an academic, you might actually have to use a CV template. You'll observe each one of the accessible resume templates, and you may examination them to acquisition the one which works best for you. If you choose to try out one of our absolutely free creative templates, we have a couple ideas to create your work search as fruitful as possible. A Secret Weapon for Resume Templates Doc Creative resume templates can allow you to build a document that shows your creativity whilst still keeping up the professionalism you should be taken seriously to get past the gatekeepers. Producing your resume is essential. There are variety of examples and unique forms of Free Resume Templates which can be found which could be downloaded free. Developing a newsletter template by yourself is time consuming. In place of creating the document from scratch, however, you're want to begin with a blank template you can customize. A template provides you with a suggested structure for your documents, and that means you can quickly begin writing. Cv templates absolutely free download word document. Each template includes a screenshot, an in depth description, and a license. If you'd prefer a different search for your resume, take a look at our tremendous library of other beautiful templates. Resumunk's resume templates consist of free resume layouts in addition t o 17 premium templates out there for a yearly subscription of $19. In some cases what you will need isn't a resume template whatsoever. A timeless style resume template is also simple to customize. If you're confused because of the numerous fabulous designs you are able to download, don't worry! Our resume templates are designed utilizing an overall style to help avoid this dilemma. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. The Hidden Treasure of Resume Templates Doc The result is fantastic to stunning! To learn more about picking out the ideal template for your application, it's important to observe the differences between the kinds of resumes and what their strengths are the subsequent. You're able to discover a sample cv for use in the industry world academic settings or one that lets you concentrate on your specific abilities and abilities. You CV ought to be made depending on the kind of job which you are applying. Color is an excellent method to produce your modern resume shine. In any event, it's as simple as one two three. Simplicity is just about the very best approach to impress. Even in the smallest project, templates are able to make your life simpler and save substantial moment. Resume Templates Doc Can Be Fun for Everyone Everyone hopes to put on an opportunity to impress potential new employer at a job interview, but there's no denying that interviews can be quite stressful! Instead you might want to incorporate an expert summary that states what you need to offer you the employer for a candidate, instead of what you're searching for. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. The Basics of Resume Templates Doc A basic resume is also simpler to read. Notably, many aren't any good. It isn't difficult to edit and user-friendly. Separate resumes are obtainable for assorted disciplines. Opportunely, google docs has a solution for it! If you're on the lookout for a fast means to begin your resume, google docs resume te mplates are among the handiest solutions around. Google supplies a resume-builder tool which you're able to utilize to create a professional resume. Google will automatically index your resume to get included in its search outcome, allowing potential employers to locate your information.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Sending Resume Email

Facts, Fiction and Sending Resume Email Using Sending Resume Email The employment market is continuously evolving at a fast pace. Seeking employment'' isn't an acceptable subject. Do you should write or update a resume to submit an application for work. A legal professional seeking the most suitable job ought to have a strong resume as a way to be noticed by the employers. Sending Resume Email: the Ultimate Convenience! You can see the complete cover letter at the next link. You will see various sample epistle. The point is that your cover letter shouldn't be any longer than 1 screen in length. Job postings frequently don't list the name of the individual to contact and just provide an email address. It is almost always better to deal with correspondence to a name in place of a title. To begin with, before you begin drafting your letter, ensure that your email address is professional. A follow-up letter to the Human Resources contact should incorporate the job title in the topic line and the very first line or a couple of the message itself. In regard to candidates engaging recruiters and hiring managers, there are three sorts of messages you are able to consider when you're doing your reachout to inquire about opportunities at a business or specific positions. In case it looks fine then you're able to send it to the employer. You may believe you understand how to email a resume to a prospective employer. Naturally, be sure not to do this in the event the employer specifically tells you to submit your resume in another way (such as through a web site or via mail). Sending Resume Email Secrets There are a lot of different nuts and bolts you have to tinker with to acquire actual sales and conversions. There are in fact loads of resume making software programs to pick from. Writing a perfect resume email is merely a fraction of all of the situations you must keep in mind before you click send. Prior to going, be sure you download the templat es that I've personally utilised to find a response from a number of the world's busiest people. Earlier than you get began using the software, it's an excellent suggestion whenever you have all of your info ready. You have to begin together with your own personal info. Additionally, it's simple to personalize and doesn't appear to be a cookie-cutter automated email. The Basics of Sending Resume Email That You Can Learn From Beginning Today High school is an amazing likelihood of students to get started gaining work experience. Inside actual, locating a guide letter is more tough, together with many situations an origin a huge quantity of anxiety. The informational interview is a small lost art form. Nowadays it's relatively simple to locate people's email addresses due to Chrome extensions like Email Hunter. Individuals frequently don't find out how to deal with e-mail job enquiries. Be careful regarding the time you opt to send your resume email. Sending an email is ab solutely free, it doesn't call for a stamp, check out the post office or a visit to the organization you're applying for. Up in Arms About Sending Resume Email? It appears at the base of every email you send and includes important contact information, including your email address and contact number. Try to remember that should you go for full confidentiality, it can be your responsibility to remember to delete contact info from your resume. All you have to do is plug in your information and it's prepared to use. You're able to find more details on formal writing here. Sending Resume Email - the Conspiracy You ought to be permitted to evaluate a website to make certain it's a very good fit to you before adding your information to their database. It's possible to be visible but private online, but how visible you wish to be vs. how comfortable you're in public is a question only you are able to answer. What's critically important is to adhere to the firm's instructions. Man y companies finally have career centers on their sites. Each time someone questions people to have a reference mail for those children, you may use the specific letter reference words in order to saving time on the job. If it's your very first job, and not too formal, you could have considered trying something fairly easy. You found the person that you wish to recruit. Any moment you desire another person to generate a personal reference letter for yourself so you're in a position to search for the job which you might accomplish just after you will be able to publish directions personal reference file format for those kids and let them find the help people need. Some employers request that you e-mail your resume in the suitable format. If you only use regular e-mail it's tricky to understand this. The Basics of Sending Resume Email Job search experts recommend you maintain duplicates of your resume in every one of these versions or formats. Employing these inferior applic ations will end in poor Sending A Resume Email Template with minimal probability of succeeding. To have the ability to get a gorgeous structure to your Sending A Resume Email Template, you've got to create use of a lot of care, consideration to element, and the suitable formatting.