Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Does Your Blogging Platform Say About Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What Does Your Blogging Platform Say About Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career What does your blogging platform say about you? Are you sending a message just by having the blog platform you have? Are there certain types of people who choose one platform over the other? See what your chosen blog platform could be saying about you. Select your weapon Im new to blogging and technology. Ive been on Facebook for three years, and I kick butt at Farmville, Pirate Clan, and Words With Friends. My grandkids call me Memaw. I want to share stories about my cat and two dogs that I take on car trips. A friend told me I should start blogging, and he set this up for me. I havent posted anything since 2009, when I wrote This is my first blog post. Hopefully I can figure out how to use this. Ill be talking about stuff I enjoy, interesting ideas, and my philosophy of life. I hope to start making money from my blog, if I can just find my password. Geek, nerd, techie, dweeb, guru, egghead. Call me what you want, but Ive got the technical chops to get this bad boy up and running, with up-to-the minute plugin solutions for every problem an advanced blogger could ever want. I should, since Im always free on the weekends. Posterous: I root for the underdog, the little guy, the Chicago Cubs, and I still get excited when The Little Engine That Could makes it over the hill. I wanted a blog platform that most people had never heard of, let alone know how to pronounce correctly. I also believe that my mobile phone should be my one and only method of communication, so I prefer to submit my blog posts and photos via email. Tumblr: Email? What the hell is email? I like posting awesome pictures of my feet, the awesome food Im eating for dinner, and me and my besties having a really awesome time. Im 24 and wear jeggings and giant knit hats the Rastafarians wear to hold their dreadlocks, even though I have short hair. I use my $500 phone to make my high-res photos look really old. Typepad: I was in AP English and Math in high school. I scored 1600 on my SATs and graduated valedictorian. In college, I double majored in actuarial science and contemporary design. And yet, Im more than happy to spend $9 a month on something I could get for absolutely free anywhere else on the Internet. LiveJournal: Im living in 2003, and this is the perfect platform to let me share my Red Dwarf and Star Trek: Enterprise fan fiction. I also post Harry Potter cosplay photos. Im also waiting for shoulder pads and poofy bangs to come back into fashion. Joomla: I hate the world and everyone in it. Twitter: Dont have any deep thots that cn b expressed in 140 characters. Believe Twitterspeak shld be taut n schools as 2nd language. (1/2) Twitter: Any deeper wrld-vu cn b summed in 2nd twt, if need be. (2/2) Author: Erik Deckers has a blog on, Posterous, Tumblr, a self-hosted WordPress site, and is still rocking his very first blog on Blogger (loud and proud since 2003!). He is a newspaper humor columnist, the owner of Professional Blog Service, and the co-author of Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself, and No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing. He also doesnt really believe any of what he wrote about your favorite blogging platform, because youre awesome.

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